(Originally Posted May 2020- Archive)
We hear this so often, for many of us the word “Surrender” has become a mantra…and if it hasn’t, I whole heartily urge you to make it one! As we entered the New Moon in Virgo this morning at 6:37am ET (shoutout to my fellow Virgos!) This new moon is all about realizing your true self-worth. It’s the perfect time to dive into a practice of Surrender.
What is Surrender?
Simply put, it means letting go. Writer and teacher Eckhart Tolle says, “Surrender is to say ‘yes’ to life- and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you.” When we are in a constant spin, a go-go-go with life and our daily schedules there is no space for flow or magic. We are locked in our ideals and ideas of how things should be, how they should exist, and in our locked down roles within them. For me, I would only embrace a state of surrender once I had hit a major wall or crisis in my life, once I had reached a place where I couldn’t keep pushing or controlling any more…I had no other choice but to surrender. In these moments everything slowed, the world and opportunities literally would open up and come rushing in. For a while I would stay in a state of surrender, my mind and heart wide open to possibilities, my breath free, and my life in total trust that all would work out well. Inevitably, after some time and settling into a new direction and picking up speed I would once again become immersed in an ideal version of a life that was out of sync, out of flow, and leaving me desperately empty. After a few times of this cycle (not going to lie, it was definitely more than a few times…I can be very stubborn) I finally began relishing the moments where I would hit a wall and then be forced to come once again to surrender. I have had very distinct moments of tremendous surrender followed by a surge of happiness, peace, success, and new happenings in my life. So what is different in these moments to when I find myself blocked and up against a wall? The practice of Surrender. The key word here being practice. All the times prior to my hitting those walls, I had been overloaded, exhausted, fearful, and out of sync with myself. Once I started practicing acts of Surrender regularly, the drastic ups and downs of being out-of-sync changed and I began to more steadily stay in a flow of happiness, trust, and peace.

How do I practice surrender?
There isn’t anything to do when it comes to Surrender, it’s simply allowing. Allowing your true self, your beauty, your goodness, and all that is you to flow. Allowing all resistance to let go and giving you space to be in the world. There are different ways for us to get into a physical or mental space to just allow. The key is finding which one or many that work best for you, the type of practice that allows you to feel safe and supported enough to surrender. What is it time to let go of? What is weighing you down? What is holding you back?
What are you ready to allow, ready to receive now that you have made space by letting go of the old.
Now is the time! These days, Surrender has become my most sacred space…the space and experience I value most, and the practice in which I see the greatest transformation… where I see my life most creating anew. It’s not easy, and I’m not going to lie, I have had tantrums fighting against getting into this space at times that would make a two-year old look saintly. As the saying goes…there is beauty in the release.
Here are a few of my favorite new moon practices and rituals that are a perfect way to integrate a practice of Surrender.
Simple Acts of Self-Care Small (or large) steps of self-care is another way to practice Surrender. It allows us to let the flow of our thoughts, energy, and breath move as we relax and let go of the physical, mental, and spiritual resistance we may or may not have realized we were holding onto.
A few great ways to step into self-care as surrender during this new moon:
- Breath Taking deep breath for a period of time, as simple as it sounds, is an incredible tool for transformation and self-care. Inhaling for a shorter breath than your exhale gives a signal to your brain that it is safe and allows your system to calm and reset. Repeat the method below for up to 20 minutes! In a quiet space, Take a deep inhale for a count of 4. Hold the breath for a count of 4. Slowly exhale for a count of 7.
- Tea Drinking a nice tea slowly…letting the steam soften your spirit and energy as you sip and relax. Ashwagandha is a favorite of mine…click here to learn why.
- Take a moon bath! Ideally in the moonlight…but a bath in any location with epsom or Himalayan pink salts + essential oils is a great way to offer self-care.

Self- Love Bath: Run a bath to your temperature of liking and include: + A handful of Pink Himalayan Salt + Rose Petals + Dried Lavender + Rose Quartz Crystals
+ 10-20 Drops of Rose or Lavender Essential Oil
Quiet Taking a bit of time to sit comfortably in silence, allowing your breath to move and your mind to settle is a powerful tool anytime, but especially during a new moon. There is a calm and empowerment in taking quiet for yourself as a self-care tool.
Nature or Park Walk Getting outside in a place that you feel connected to is a great way to actively practice surrender. For me, I love taking walks in nature or parks, deep breathing and allowing my mind, body, and spirit to fully surrender with each step I take. If you feel most connected to yourself in a city or even on a treadmill then go for it! The key is using the mindfulness of your walking, the deep breathing, and mental quiet to surrender old patterns, thoughts, and emotional outplays as you allow Surrender!
A Surrender Ritual There are a million different right ways and no wrong way to create a surrender ritual for yourself. The key is to find what works best for you. Allow yourself to relax, trust, and let go of all the areas of life that are ready to surrender and release…to make way for all the new creations an intentions you are ready to receive! Writing things you wish to surrender and burning them as you set the new intentions for the month is a great surrender ritual, but there are many different ways to surrender. Just setting the intention with yourself to surrender is powerful within itself. I’ve outlined one of my personal favorite rituals for Surrender. New moons are fertile ground to plant new seeds of all that you would like to create in the months and years ahead, and lucky us we get this opportunity every month. Although perfect for new moons, this can be utilized anytime!
Surrender Practice: With Breath + Intention
– Take a few deep breaths in-and-out in a quiet, inspiring, space giving yourself time to settle and ground.
– Hold one hand to heart and the other to your forehead while taking several more deep breaths.
– Aloud or inside, give your mind, body, and spirit permission to align to your heart…your souls communicator.
– Ask yourself what is ready to be released. This message may come as words, feelings, a knowing…there is no wrong way to listen to the communication of your heart.
– When you feel ready, aloud or inside give direct permission for your body, spirit, and mind to surrender and release these areas. You can call to God, Jesus, The Universe, Divine Spirit…call to what is of your belief and comfort and surrender these to be healed and released.
Want more goodness on how to set intentions? Click here for a workbook on intention setting I hope you find this helpful along your journey of Surrender & Happy New Moon!
xoxo, Georgie
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