by Georgiana Alexander

Chaos & Calm

I see you...



CALM  List

A Splash of Inspiration...or the Perfect Starting Point for Your  Up-Level. Check out The Calm List for our fav Wellness & Beauty must haves!


This is the place where soul, inner wisdom and truth, wellness, business, beauty, lifestyle, and adventure meet...

This is your calling to come home to yourself.
The whole you.
The you that loves all the things and feels freedom to explore all, as you. If you get get this..welcome home!

Chaos & Calm is a lifestyle, a brand, and most of all a community for us to guide one another back to ourselves. This was the vision and intention Georgiana has carried as she went on her own journey home, and as this community of incredible global souls was built. 

Here you will find your tribe, your family, your tools and resources for play, adventure, up-levels, transformations, for your wellness, your beauty, your health, your business... your way home to you.

Welcome Loves. We've been waiting for you! 

Where you are whole.


In The

The Podcast

Your go-to hang for all things up-level!
Deep dive with me into inspiration, wellness, beauty, entrepreneurship, spirituality, dimensional realities, and my fav... quantum leaps.

Top Episodes

Embracing Your Woo in Life + Business

Allowing Your Calling to Flow

Leading with Heart + Living in Harmony

Healing, Sound, Traditions, Love + Life

Learning the Language of Your Body + Mind

Get The Guide

Your High Vibe Toolkit:
A Guide

We see you rocking those high vibes! It's not easy to make high vibes look this good...
Grab your Free High Vibe Toolkit for the quick and easy on keeping it high vibe on the daily!

A Guide: My High Vibe Tool Kit

All my high vibe favorites! It takes work to keep the frequency high in a hectic world. Here are a few tips and fav resources to help you keep it high, focused, and empowered!